Another episode title designed to expand your vocabulary. Tom Paris is infatuated with Kes, and, although Kes has no interest in him and is completely dedicated to Neelix, this doesn’t stop Neelix from having another fit of jealousy which culminates in a pasta-covered brawl. But Janeway assigns the two on a shuttlecraft mission to a mysterious planet in an attempt to replenish their dwindling food supplies. No food is found, but an egg hatches a half-reptile, half humanoid cute little thing that is going to grow up to be a big thing. While Paris wants to leave it, concerned that the mother will soon be back, Neelix insists on caring for it and waiting to ensure that the hatchling won’t be rejected. This little incident bonds the two, the hatchling is not rejected, and they beam out just in time. Just before beaming out, Paris makes a very well-written speech about his feelings for Kes and how he would never do anything about it because he respects Neelix, and how all Neelix has to do is look in Kes’ eyes and he can see he has nothing to worry about. It’s a great speech, and Neelix is finally convinced; the three of them leave the transporter room arm in arm. That speech should stop any further jealous Neelix rages for at least four episodes.
My general nit with this episode and others is: I am in amazement that Neelix can serve a single lunch special and expect the crew (which are made up of varying species from all over the galaxy) to eat it. You can’t even get people on one planet (earth) to agree on what to eat! I am also amazed that Kes and Neelix can sit down to dinner and eat the same foods, as they are from very different species.
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