Tom Paris is a little restless; he spends time in the holodeck, obsessing on his vintage Camaro, while he neglects B’Elanna. When an alien pilot named Steth shows up with an innovative ship (which is badly in need of repair), Tom volunteers to help. The pilot is a lot like Tom in non-human form, and they bond, but there’s something strange about him – he keeps reverting to another form, a female form, and, when his ship is repaired, he suddenly switches bodies with Paris, taking his place on the ship (unbeknownst to anyone). Meanwhile, Paris, unconscious and in alien form, is superwarped far from Voyager and placed right among a trio of ships owned by angry aliens from which his former body owner stole technology. He is ‘rescued’ by the last person that had their body stolen. Together, they return to Voyager, where Steth has taken over Janeway’s body, and they thwart his attempt to escape. After his little adventure, Tom realizes he has it pretty good, and he invites B’Elanna into his holodeck Camaro, where they ‘make out’.
A clever episode, although for some reason the episodes that focus on Paris alone seem to lose some emotion.
Roxann Dawson (B’Elanna Torres) must be very pregnant at the moment – all scenes of her are from the neck up.
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