Saturday, May 10, 2008

6.09 the voyager conspiracy

Seven modifies her alcove to download more terraquads of data. Her first such download reveals a colony of fleas disrupting a subsystem: very impressive. She continues to download data as Voyager finds a strange catapult and its builder – an alien, who, in return for some help, has no objections to allowing Voyager to use it to jump a few hundred light years ahead if his jump is successful. Seven continues to download data, and finds compelling evidence that the alien is in league with the Caretaker (see the episodes caretaker  and cold fire). Further investigation shows that this is probably not true, and the plans to use the catapult continue. Next, Seven calls Chakotay to Astrometrics, seals the door and disables internal sensors, and reveals ‘compelling evidence’ that Janeway is in league with the Cardassians to establish a military presence in the Delta Quadrant. While Chakotay doesn’t believe the story, he cannot disprove it, and he encourages B’Elanna to miscalculate the shield settings so as to delay Voyager’s trip through the catapult. More data is downloaded by Seven; this time, she summons Janeway to the Astrometrics lab and informs her of Chakotay’s Maquis plot to use the catapult to attack Cardassian and Starfleet ships. Janeway is also dubious, but is put on edge by the overwhelming weight of circumstantial evidence. When Janeway and Chakotay both begin carrying phasers, they confront each other’s stories and see that something is amiss in Seven’s logic. By now, Seven has stolen the Delta Flyer and is heading for the catapult, intent on destroying it because of her new theory – which Janeway’s true mission was to capture Seven and deliver her to the Delta Quadrant for analysis, to enable Starfleet to study the Borg. Janeway beams to the Flyer, and, by quoting specific meaningful dates in Janeway’s and Seven’s relationship is able to regain her trust and beam her back to sick bay. In the final scene, Janeway and Chakotay, enjoying some coffee in her quarters, promise never to mistrust each other again.

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