The popular holodeck simulation of the 1800s Irish town of Fairhaven has been recreated and kept running all the time so most of the crew (but not Tuvok, Chakotay or Torres) can use it. But Harry’s hijinks of turning the flower girl into a cow just as Harry Kim is going to kiss her is seen by the townsfolk, who believe that the crewmembers are Spirit Folk and perhaps quite dangerous. A holodeck malfunction traps Harry, Tom and the Doctor there, with the safeties off and their lives possibly threatened. It’s up to Captain Janeway to convince the cluey Michael that they are travelers from the future and mean no harm.
There are so many problems with Spirit Folk that it is difficult to even address all of them. But here are the biggest ones:
If you were going to choose a sixth season story arc, why make it the one that features stereotypical Irish characters? Why is most of the senior staff in the holodeck when there is a starship that needs to be piloted and maintained? Why would Tom think it was funny to turn a holodeck character into a cow? Why is valuable energy being wasted on running a holodeck simulation when Voyager should be conserving energy? Why is an important panel for controlling the holodeck, which is itself only a computer program, located at the pub and within the program? Why would someone keep a computer program running (because the crew has gotten attached to the holo-characters in it) even though these characters are threatening the lives of real people? How could a recreation of simple, friendly, trusting, stereotypical small town Irish folk from the 1800s accept the fact that there are travelers from the future within their midst? Why would the crew of Voyager still wish to participate in the holo simulation once their role was changed from ‘just another member of an 1800s community’ to ‘travelers from outer space and the future’? I could go on…but this is such a misguided effort, with way too much holodeck time.
So many holes in your review I wouldn't know where to start.
ReplyDeleteAh, but like so many people who visit here only to criticize, you've begun very well. Without offering any facts, you've basically stated that your review (albeit non-existent) is probably perfectly accurate, while mine is riddled with mistakes. Most other people at least take the time to offer reams of misguided comments that supposedly prove that their opinion is correct while mine is so very wrong.
ReplyDeleteBut the basic premise between you and every other misguided person that has visited my pages and left commments similar to yours is this: You are right and there is No Room For Two People To Exist In The World With The Different Opinions On The Same Thing.
Sadly, this is the basic premise that you cannot grasp and that leads to conflict all over the world.
Take a moment to think about it, even if it cuts into the time you can spend criticizing other people's opinions who differ to yours.
And be sure to post your reviews first and allow people like yourself to comment, so can get be exposed to the type of sniping that you enjoy so much.