Saturday, May 10, 2008

6.16 collective

A Borg cube surprises and attacks the Delta Flyer (with Chakotay, Paris, and Neelix aboard) and tractors it inside. Voyager intercepts the cube and Seven determines that only five drones are on board. When Seven beams over, she finds only five ‘immature’ drones (approximate ages 5 to 15), saved from a virus because they were still in their maturation chambers. Unable to connect with the hive mind, they wish to trade their hostages for the deflector dish. This trade will leave Voyager without warp drive, an unacceptable situation for Janeway, especially when she finds out that the cube sent a distress call to the hive earlier. However, Seven discovers a coded message sent from the hive informing the drones that because they are now deemed ‘damaged’, they will not be reassimilated or rescued. Janeway withholds that information, and also has the doctor create more of the virus, in case she has to use it. Meanwhile, Seven works on repairing the cube’s technology, although her efforts are hampered by the teenage boy that has taken control of the remaining drones. Her work is also interrupted by the discovery of a newborn baby drone, complete with implants, that must be beamed to Voyager’s sick bay to be saved. Kim, undiscovered aboard the Flyer, is discovered and seriously wounded just before he was about to disable shields for a hostage beam-out. With time running out, Seven confronts the drones with the info that they are not wanted back in the hive, and asks them to join her on Voyager. The drone leader still resists, but is killed in an accident. The other children agree to come back. Their implants are removed, and Voyager begins finding representative of their races so they can be returned. Reluctantly at first, but then perhaps feeling the spark of an inner need, Seven is given the task of ‘mothering’ the children and helping them assimilate back into society.

Great shot: Paris’ look as the Borg cube interrupts the card game.

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