Friday, May 9, 2008

5.12 bride of chaotica!

As Tom and Harry cavort on the holodeck in another ‘Captain Proton’ adventure (in the black and white style of a 1950s sci-fi movie), they see an unusual anomaly. They leave the holodeck to find that the ship is caught on a subspace ‘sandbar’ and is unable to move.  Meanwhile, on the holodeck, photonic (holographic) aliens have entered, believing that the holodeck is real. It is real for them, and Chaotica, the evil enemy of Captain Proton, is at war with them and has killed 50 of them. When Tom and Tuvok investigate, the aliens scan them and do not believe that they are real, having never met carbon-based life. It’s up to the (photonic) ship’s doctor, masquerading as the president of the earth, to ask the aliens to hold off attacking so that Captain Proton can save the day. But Proton needs someone to break into Chaotica’s Fortress of Doom – and the best choice goes to Chaotica’s love interest, the evil Queen Arachnia. Paris calls on Janeway, who accepts with the classic line, "I’m a size 4." Although initially appalled by the specifications of her costume and her need to be a love interest to Chaotica (including using a vial of her pheromones as a distraction), she takes on the role with gusto, overacting and pulling faces with the best of them. Eventually, she is able to overpower Chaotica on her own; the aliens leave the holodeck, and Voyager can resume its journey.

A very fun and funny episode, framed around a serious problem affecting the ship.

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