Friday, May 9, 2008

5.01 night

Voyager is traversing a blank starless area of space that they have dubbed 'the void'. Everyone is going stir crazy, including Captain Janeway, who has sequestered herself in her quarters. She is regretting her decision to submit the crew to this long journey, and Chakotay, aware that she may try heroics, warns Tuvok to be on the alert. When Voyager is attacked by numerous small ships, and is boarded by dark shadowy aliens that live in the void, they are rescued by a big powerful ship captained by an obnoxious alien who offers them quick passage through a vortex - in exchange for handing over the captured alien. Janeway refuses, and the alien leaves. It is revealed that the shadowy aliens are being killed off slowly by the Meilons, who are using the vortex to dump toxic waste into the void. Janeway orders the crew to proceed through the vortex, while she stays behind in a shuttlecraft to destroy the vortex afterward, but Chakotay, who was forewarned, and the crew refuse to obey her order; instead, they take Voyager into the vortex. With help from the shadowy aliens, they are able to destroy the Meilon ship and scoot out of the Vortex just as it is destroyed.

This episode draws on the rumor/fact that Janeway was not going to return for season five, by hiding her off camera for the beginning of the episode, and by making her almost a reluctant member of the voyage. The episode also starts with an entertaining holodeck program called 'Captain Proton', enjoyed by Harry and Tom.

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