The Federation ship Equinox, led by Captain Ransom (John Savage) is being savagely attacked by aliens that can penetrate their shields. They send out a distress call, which is answered by Voyager – the Equinox is also in the Delta Quadrant, having also been dragged their by the Caretaker. Most of Ransom’s crew is gone; the two crews work together to defend themselves against the aliens. But Ransom is somewhat secretive about his ship’s technology, and asks some pointed questions to Janeway about the Prime Directive. On the surface, he appears to be cooperating, but he and his crew are scheming to steal enough technology from Voyager to enhance their own and get home quickly. Janeway – with help from the doctor – discovers that Ransome has been killing and using the alien’s remains (they exude antimatter) to feed his propulsion system – which is why the aliens are attacking. The doctor discovers this, and also discovers the alternate EMH, who sanctioned the horrible experiments on the aliens – his ethical subroutines have been disabled. He also attacks the Voyager’s doctor, disables his program, and steals his holo-emitter – and takes his place on the enterprise. The Equinox EMH frees his crew; they continue their plan and beam the field generator and themselves to the Equinox, protecting their ship from the aliens and leaving Voyager stranded and vulnerable. As the episode ends, the aliens have penetrated Voyager’s shields, and an alien heads right for Janeway – her phaser is thrown aside, she falls back…and the episode ends.
Nit#1: Ransome gives an impassioned speech explaining why he felt he should kill the aliens – 80% of his crew was killed, they hadn’t eaten in 16 days, etc. That doesn’t explain – and Janeway doesn’t ask him – why he is still planning on using the aliens to get home now, after being protected and joining forces with more people and a more powerful ship. Obviously, it’s because he’s a dork, but the question needed to be asked.
Nit#2: With only four crew members left, Ransom hatches a plan to steal the generator and take his ship back. I wonder why he didn’t involve his EMH in this plan? The reason, of course, is so we could forget that the Equinox EMH was available, and that Voyager’s doctor could ‘discover’ the EMH a little later and have the plot thicken.
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