Saturday, May 10, 2008

7.10 flesh and blood (part 2)

The doctor gives Iden Voyager’s command codes to use to avoid being captured, and Iden gives his word that he will not use them to attack Voyager. However, he does take the opportunity to beam the injured B’Elanna Torres over, since the doctor mentioned that she was a top-notch engineer – just what the holograms need to effect repairs. But Iden agrees to let B’Elanna go if she does not agree to help voluntarily. She does agree, after becoming friends with a female Cardassian hologram with a conscience. The holograms head for a safe planet, but two Hirogen ships are in pursuit, and the badly damaged Voyager manages to tag along by hiding in the ion wake of one of the ships; they are helped by a Hirogen engineer who reprogrammed the holograms and feel responsible. Iden shows his true colors by suddenly spouting like a religious fanatic, killing two innocent organics aboard a Nubari vessel, and beaming the remaining Hirogens down to the planet to hunt them down, just for revenge. The doctor is able to kill Iden just before he kills the head Hirogen. Janeway agrees to keep the programs of the remaining holograms in the database, and she allows the Cardassian hologram to remain on her ship, along with the helpful Hirogen engineer.

Quotable Quotes:
Iden: The doctor tells me you’re an accomplished engineer.
B’Elanna: He speaks highly of you too. He seems to be easily impressed.

Three years ago, Janeway gave holo-technology to the Hirogen. If Voyager is heading for the Alpha Quadrant, constantly, in a relatively straight line, how did the Hirogen get ahead of them? Or are the Hirogen like the tortoises in that Bugs Bunny cartoon? They have similar shells.

So Voyager can hide in the ion wake of the Hirogen ship and avoid detection? Hey, don’t these Hirogen ships have windows and viewing screens? There are two Hirogen ships, side by side – maybe one might look at the other and notice a Voyager-shaped dingleberry hanging off the back?


  1. re NIt USe YOUR IMAGINATION. from what we know about the Hirogen they clearly were once, before there culture/development declined and their race became split up + became nomadic ALL OVER the entire QUADRANT, LONG LONG ago one of the most technological advanced + powerful species of the entire quadrant(like aliens awakened in 'Dragons teeth' ) eg their mini black holed powered communication array that STRETCHED ALL the way to the APLHA QUADRANT!!!!They MUST have had technologly to reach the alpha quadrant in the first place (perhaps their Sppeed technology became lost over time) yes that array was destroyed BUt who knows what else remains of their ancient but vastly superior technology - Perhaps that array was just one of many - the OLD Hirogen Empire which could have been the size of the borgs (+ their galaxy hopping transwarp conduits the BORG probably assimalated Hirogen tech to be so advanced themselves) before their time thus these are Different hirogen roaming space closer to the alpha quadrant but with their SUPERIOR old tech they could still SEND the knowledge of the Holograph tech that janeway gave to them to ALL Hirogen scatered ALL over the quadrant

    1. You have made a good point, but this is not about me 'using my imagination'. I could use my imagination to cover up every lazy scripting decision made. That's not what nitpicking is about. Nor is nitpicking meant to be some kind of insult to your Most Holy Voyager Episodes. You, however, have presented facts that were previously presented that could explain how the Hirogen got to where they were. I just think it would be nice if I really got the feeling that Voyager was moving in a line of some type through the Delta Quadrant, rather than the writers re-introducing species.
